Sally Stevens is a landscape painter residing in Boise, Idaho. She loves the beautiful state she lives in, and its surrounding nature inspires and feeds her art. Sally paints in the impressionistic style, using light and shadow to capture the depth and beauty she sees in the natural world. Her paintings are an interpretation of […]
Karen Eastman: May 2021 Artist of the Month
Karen Eastman began focusing on her art career in 2004, showing her work in venues ranging from large outdoor shows to galleries in San Diego, Laguna Beach, Las Vegas and Boise, where she moved in 2013. In addition to painting full time, she works with local designers to create custom artwork for their clients. Boise […]
Becka Watkins: April 2021 Artist of the Month
Becka’s work explores the relationship between letting go and the need for control. She first grants herself permission to play with materials without being attached to the outcome. Shapes and textures form, and images are revealed to her. With each piece of work she sees the struggle of the human spirit — to let go, […]
Karen Jacobsen: March 2021 Artist of the Month
Karen Jacobsen loves painting and drawing. Jacobsen has been captivated by the visual energy and abundance of the natural world. Combining art and science has given her a keen eye for capturing the subtle to austere beauty of her subjects. As a member of the Plein Air Painters of Idaho, the Idaho Watercolor Society, and […]
Carl Rowe: February 2021 Artist of the Month
Carl Rowe’s paintings reveal nature’s evocative forms through dramatic lighting that feels both realistic and abstract. He has been in two Triennial Exhibitions at the Boise Art Museum and received the Culture and Conservation Award by the Land Trust of the Treasure Valley. Follow Carl on his website. In 2020 the Pettitt Group purchased this […]
Allie Zeyer: January 2021 Artist of the Month
Allie Zeyer is an award-winning member of the Oil Painters of America (OPA) and a member of other respected arts organizations such as the American Women Artists (AWA) and the American Impressionists Society (AIS). In the Spring of 2019 Southwest Art Magazine singled her out as an up-and-coming “Artist to Watch.” Rural life defines much […]
JanyRae Seda: December 2020 Artist of the Month
JanyRae began painting full time as a vocation in 2011. She creates over 100 new works each year and sells most of them at fine art festivals throughout the West. She often makes detours on roads less traveled for subject matter, specifically the Western landscape. JanyRae’s downtown Boise studio, built in 1895, is open to […]
Sally Stevens: November 2020 Artist of the Month
Sally Stevens graduated with a fine arts degree, but side-stepped painting for a number of years to jump into the world of graphic design. She mostly paints landscapes, working with water-mixable oil paints (much like traditional oil paint minus the turpentine, with the added benefit of soap and water cleanup). Each day she completes a […]